During every competition, all your efforts and your physique are evaluated and compared. Often, in order to stand out more than the athlete next to you, rivalry begins. It’s a fierce and intense competition, one that can feel like a serpentine battle. On stage, smiles may be plastered across faces, yet elbows push against each other in a bid for attention.
However, the rivalry begins much earlier. It starts within you, as you scrutinize photos of fellow athletes or observe them behind the scenes. You look, you compare. “Her hair is messy. That makeup isn’t flattering.” Sometimes, it’s not just thoughts—it’s shown through contemptuous glances or loud comments.
But have you ever wondered, what is the point of a higher placement on stage when it’s achieved at the expense of putting down another woman? When you silently belittle her, when you harbour ill thoughts about her?
A woman who worked just as hard as you, who endured blisters on her feet to learn to walk gracefully? Perhaps she saved for months to afford the dress or bikini of her dreams, just to stand on the same stage as you.
If you lack self-worth within, putting others down won’t make you more valuable.
You never know what might happen on stage. You might forget your heels, and the one you disdain could offer you a spare pair in your size. Or maybe, just five seconds before stepping on stage, that “competitor” will point out lipstick smudges on your teeth. Or perhaps she’ll be the one to lift you with encouraging words when self-doubt creeps in.
Sadly, no trophies are awarded for a clear conscience. You alone are the judge of your integrity.
Lift others up instead of tearing them down. Encourage rather than trample. Praise, don’t criticize. Be the one who embraces humanity and female solidarity, not the one chasing the executioner’s medal.